
Sunday Breakfast

~Leah's Sunday Morning Menu~
Homemade Waffles
topped with
Sliced Strawberries, White Chocolate Chips,
& Whipped Cream
I've said it before & I'm sure that I'll say it a few million more times-- the best thing I ever did was to create these 3 fascinating & fabulous people. Don't worry, you can rest assured that's not just because Leah creates these delicious masterpieces. Or because the littles set such a lovely table. Oh no, it's because through & through they are just amazing! They created this beautiful Sunday breakfast from start to finish entirely on their own.

It was the most luscious & decadent thing I've eaten in quite sometime.
Le Cordon Bleu in Paris in her very bright future?



I felt so happy today. Not because my laundry bin is empty (it's not) or because my house is clean (it isn't).... Not even because it's Friday, even though that definitely helped! Today was just one of those days that I felt the magnitude of the blessing of SIMPLY being ALIVE &  HEALTHY. I'm so busy & life can be relentlessly demanding (at times). Sometimes it's hard & sometimes I get tired. Then I remember how amazing it is that my body is strong enough & healthy enough to do all that I ask it to do each day. What a blessing that I CAN work & pursue an education. I'm strong enough & healthy enough to build a life.

I CAN go to school & work, & pick my children up from school, cook dinner, pack lunches, sort backpack's, soothe hurts, teach & discipline my children, read to them, clean the house, exercise & run, give hugs, bathe & cuddle my Little's, love & be loved EVERYDAY.

I GET to do all of these awesome things. These things that often seem mundane & sometimes even feel heavy are TRULY SUCH A BLESSING TO ME. Total perspective shift. A much needed one. If only I could maintain that perspective more often. I know that I can't maintain that perspective without the Holy Spirit & My heavenly Father's constant reminders.
Today was a good day because He tapped me on the shoulder & said, "Hey Jess, YOU ARE SO BLESSED."
 this is a beautiful video about Motherhood.


It's almost this time again....

and this guy is READY! He's our resident gardener. Today- he said & I quote, "I'm spending my allowance on weed killer." Wow! By golly, if that isn't dedication then I  don't know what is. I've got myself one very unique 8 year old boy. Now I just gotta get on the ball learning some organic gardening methods. I'm thinkin' ix-nay on the weed killer.
Jordan's Spring Garden will include:
Green Beans
Plus a few wild flowers, zinnias, & morning glory's for good measure. Hope I can keep up with my little mister & his garden.
P.S. I'm ordering a few spring books--  Farmer Boy (for Jordan) & Twig (for Chloe). Oh, but you have to read this sweet sweet book too. Such a favorite of ours!! 
Let the Spring fever officially begin.


Rainy Days

As I was snapping these pictures Jordan said, "Do you mind, I'm trying to eat?" Come on son, you should be used to this by now.
It was a gray dreary day here in good old West Texas. The kind that inspires a few lit candles & something sweet & warm to eat. At our house, rainy days usually call for hot chocolate with whipped cream & sprinkles + buttered toast soldiers for dipping. It's a long standing tradition. We usually all trudge into the house around 4:00 ish. Tea time! It's nice to take a breather & catch up with my little peeps before we start homework, dinner, baths, packing up lunches, & the likes of all that mayhem.

Today was especially nice. Jordan being the busy boy that he is, skidaddled pretty quickly, so that left just Chloe & I. We had a lovely little chat over our steamy cups of warm bevs--frothy decaf coffee (me) & afore mentioned hot cocoa for her.  I thought that she was too dadgum cute not to photograph the entire convo. She is so expressive. She talks with her hands. As you can see. She talked about mean boys & the "consequences" for their behavior. She talked about her friend Karma. But THE highlight of her day was when "the big kids high fived her in the hall".

 Then she laughed & flashed that show stopper smile of hers. Her smile makes me happy. Simple as that.